Seniors Matter To God, So Seniors Matter To Us
Francis Mckay
My grandfather lived a very vibrant and pioneering life as a young man, In his later years, he was known to say, “there’s nothing golden about the golden years”…
Well, we believe that there IS gold to be found and we’re setting out to mine it!
Developmental Psychology
- If we look at Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs ( one progresses up the hierarchy as needs are met), a vast majority of families work very hard to attend to the base level and, to some degree, the second level. However, once we get to the third level and above, there is a critical drop off in attending to those needs. The senior population’s need for those things doesn’t diminish, but the validity of those needs goes sorely unrecognized. At this point in our culture, we don’t even have good options for attending to them. Many families do try, whole-heartedly, to meet those level 3 needs, but it is beyond what they can do on their own.
- The absence of a natural place for seniors to engage in community both with peers and younger generations leads them to existing in a deep level of isolation resulting in unimaginable loneliness. It is really the only stage of life that offers no natural setting for community (even babies have group based classes designed for them). Retirement can be fulfilling, but when all of the friends and same generation family members have passed, that sense of love and belonging passes with them.
- Love and Belonging is a cornerstone of Hallelujah Events. We will meet this need by being a place for seniors to connect with peers, as well as people of younger generations. We also expect family relationships to be strengthened through, either sharing in the experiences together, or by our seniors now having something of interest to talk about with family members. As a bonus, research indicates that having sufficient social connections even has a positive impact on physical health. In meeting this need, our seniors will be able to move back up the hierarchy and/or maintain their previous achievement of the higher levels.
- Self-Esteem and Self-Actualization will be natural outflows from the events we develop. The first goal of the events is to build connections, then we intentionally focus on activities that provide a sense of purpose and allow for their creative inputs. They will begin to contribute their ideas and even lead/teach during events themselves!